About HFHA


HFHA is a non-profit organization established in 2009 to fight special interest groups who continually try to destroy our rent control protections. They threaten to weaken our hard-won protections by adding vacancy decontrol to Hoboken’s Rent Control ordinance, as well as attempting other deceptive tactics to push their agendas forward. But, thanks to our dedicated volunteers, we have fought and won 3 referendum elections, thus keeping our protections in tact.

HFHA works to maintain Hoboken’s rent control protections through active involvement in Hoboken’s city government and by exposing inequities as they arise. We speak at city council meetings, keep an open dialogue with our Mayor and council people, and do whatever we can to make sure the rights we enjoy today will be in place for the future on behalf of ALL of us, the renters of Hoboken.

Watch HFHA videos on Vimeo

Yet the truth about HFHA is that there aren’t nearly enough of us at the front lines of this struggle. We need an army! Right now, we’re a tiny guerrilla brigade doing the impossible. Please consider volunteering or making a donation so that HFHA can continue to mobilize and hold the line when the time comes. We hope our website provides the information and resources you need and inspires you to support the cause. We welcome your comments and questions.

Donate—We need your support!

To the thousands of tenants out there who benefit from the work of HFHA, we need you to JOIN US now!


There are no guarantees that our current rent-control protections will survive these continuing onslaughts. We need your help. Please donate! Every dollar makes a difference! If you think you can’t afford to donate, consider how you’re going to afford a monthly rent payment that’s double what you pay now.

All major credit cards accepted through our Paypal account.

To donate by mail, please send your check to:

Hoboken Fair Housing Association
P.O. Box 5176
Hoboken, NJ 07030

Thank you!

TO JOIN HFHA, PLEASE DONATE (via the PayPal “DONATE” button above) OUR $35 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES.  PLEASE REMEMBER: When your moment of crisis comes and you call or e-mail us, we cannot help you if you don’t join. We simply don’t have the resources!

NOTE: Hoboken Fair Housing Association does not provide legal representation or legal advice of any kind. If an HFHA member’s situation calls for an attorney, or if a member wants one, HFHA can refer members to experienced attorneys who specialize in landlord-tenant law.