Here are some articles on fair housing
that relate to Hoboken:

Complaint Filed Against Hoboken Zoning Board and Developer

Hoboken Municipal Code require complexes with more than 10 apartments to include low and moderate income units.

Hoboken Works to Revitalize Low-Income Housing
and Neighborhoods.

Read about Hoboken Housing Authority’s plan to revitalize low-income housing by turning it into luxury housing.

Legislature Rushing Bill Through To Subsidize Luxury
Condos In Jersey City, Hoboken

NJ Legislature pushing for $150 million in state subsidies for luxury condominiums in Hoboken and Jersey City.

Rent Control in the New Millennium

Analysis from the National Housing Institute on the recent erosions into rent control across the U.S and particularly in New Jersey.

The threat to rent control doesn’t get much attention
but here are a few of the articles that have appeared

Judge orders Hoboken rent control petitions to be
approved for referendum

Hoboken Reporter August 25, 2011

Hoboken rent control petitions rejected by clerk;
petitioners head back to the streets

Hoboken Reporter July 11, 2011

Rent control protest may go to ballot
Judge orders city clerk to take second look

Hoboken Reporter June 26, 2011

RENT CONTROL UPDATE: Court rules in favor of Hoboken
petitioners; clerk ordered to review referendum petition

Hoboken Reporter June 6, 2011

Hoboken City Council adopts revised rent control ordinance March 2, 2011