Community Meeting for Hoboken Yard Redevelopment Plan

Location: Multi-Service Center, 124 Grand Street
Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2019  
Time: 7 PM

Notice from Nixle: Residents are invited to join a community meeting regarding proposed amendments to the Hoboken Yard Redevelopment Plan. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 15 at 7:00 pm at the Multi-Service Center (124 Grand Street). All members of the public interested in the project are encouraged to attend.

The Hoboken Yard Redevelopment Plan, which was adopted by the Hoboken City Council in 2014, provided a plan vision and framework for transit-oriented development in the area adjacent to the New Jersey Transit Rail Yard. The proposed amendment recognizes the proposed location of the Rebuild by Design flood protection structure, which will lie within the redevelopment area. The proposed amendment, which provides for less overall development and fewer residential units as compared to the 2014 plan, can be found in draft format by clicking here.

HFHA Footnote: It’s really disappointing to see such a dishonest communication coming through our nixle system. This amended plan is not getting smaller than the 2014 plan (as the nixle communication suggests.) The amended plan that is being presented only addresses part of what will become the final NJ Transit redevelopment; the rest of the redevelopment area is listed in the amendment as “future development.” The part of the plan included in the amendment is 60% larger when compared to what it was in the 2014 plan.

It is very important that the residents of Hoboken attend this meeting and speak collectively with a resounding voice saying: NO!