Welcome to the Hoboken FAIR Housing Association
HFHA is a non-profit organization established in 2009 to fight special interest groups who continually try and destroy our rent control protections. They threaten to weaken our long-fought protections by adding vacancy decontrol to Hoboken’s Rent Control ordinance as well as attempting other deceptive tactics to push their agendas forward. Thanks to our hard working HFHA members, we have fought and won 3 referendum elections, thus keeping our protections in tact.
While we are proud of our members accomplishments, we invite our community to support us in our continuing efforts to keep our city’s renters safe and protected now and in the future. We are only a small number of volunteers; we need your support. Please consider a donation so that HFHA can continue to mobilize and hold the line when the time comes.
We hope that our web site provides the information and resources you need. We welcome your comments and questions.