Update on Hoboken’s year’s long fraudulent use of Vote By Mail (VBM) in our elections

HFHA is pleased with the role we played in, what looks to be, a big fat nail in the coffin of Hoboken’s year’s long fraudulent use of Vote By Mail (VBM) in our elections.
In 2013 an anti-rent control real estate developer/investor organization, Mile Square Taxpayer’s Association (MSTA) tried to overturn our 2nd election victory that ensured Hoboken’s rent control laws remain in tact. They filed a court challenge to overturn the results of that election. That trial, (MSTA ultimately withdrew the case), resulted in there being mounds of data, evidence and information supporting what we, in Hoboken, have known for years – that people were paying people to vote a certain way via VBM in our elections.
We are very grateful to the residents that did the hard work of collecting and providing data, supporting the effort, and in some cases testifying:
Mayor Ravi Bhalla
Joe Brennan
Roman Brice
David Cogswell
Lois Dilivio
Cheryl Fallick
Osborn Focht
Marsha Goldberg
Rusty Hoover
Joel Horwitz
Michael Lenz
Rebecca Lewis
Eileen Lynch
Clark Matthews
Mary Ondrejka
Rose Orozco
Dan Tumpson
And Most Of All A BIG THANK YOU to Renee Steinhagen of NJ Appleseed Public Interest Law Center who represented HFHA at the trial.
Read more about it on Hudson County View.